Sony MBX-270 Conversion Discrete To UMA


Staff member


Conversion of Sony MBX-270 DIS to UMA
This is the conversion of Sony MBX-270 which its Graphic chip failed and it has to be replaced. Recently, repair person tried and has found the way to use motherboard without replacing the Graphic chip. They disconnect power connector to the Graphic chip. In this way , power cannot reach to Graphic and hence system doesn’t use main graphic chip , it switches automatically to UMA/Intel Graphic chip.Here by removing couple of removing and shifting those marked resistors. And on other part, there has to have addition of 0 ohm dual resistance pack, some resistors such as ; 2.2k, 75 ohm, 0 ohm and 2.37 k. There has to be removed lvds line, coil, and a couple of resistors.


  • Sony MBX-270 Conversion Discrete To UMA.rar
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