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نرم افزار

  1. Vahab Hemmati

    How to Fix Product Information Not Valid Error in HP Laptops using DMI Tools Software

    The photo above shows the “Product Information Not Valid” error that you may encounter in HP devices. The error shows that the serial number of the device has not been entered, or entered incorrectly. In this article, you can download the “DMI Tools” software that is used for solving this...
  2. Vahab Hemmati

    Article What is ME Analyzer Software & its Usage in Clearing ME Region?

    In previous articles we have discussed and explained ME Region and what software needed to clear ME Region and its methods. (I will try to fully explain the concept of ME Region in the next article ^ _ ^) But now let’s go and see what ME Analyzer software is and what its usage is?! If you...
  3. Vahab Hemmati

    Software UEFITool 0.3.0 Software Download

    In this article, you can download UEFITool 0.3.0 software, which is used for obtaining ME Region version of Bios files.
  4. Vahab Hemmati

    Software HxD Hex Editor Software Download

    In this article, you can download HxD Hex Editor software to modify Me Region files.