File Request BIOS file Lenovo thinkcentre m710q


New Member


Hi guys, first time posting but congrats for your site, it is really cool and useful. I'm considering to upgrade the account if necessary to get downloaded the files, however I want to make sure first it will work for my situation, here is the thing:

I have a second hand shop and received a computer that was used for customer service.. based on the features I found about this pc, It is a really good device. Nevertheless after I got it, I noticed it was impossible for me to access to the BIOS to format the OS and use it as a regular computer, I've tried different things already.. moving the jumper to clear the cmos, but still stuck in the main screen of that previous company, it doesn't even show the Lenovo or thinkcentre screen, nor the option to enter into the BIOS setup utility.

I've seen in another website that Lenovo has their own disaster recovery system or something like that, I checked in Lenovo's website and found a tutorial, and they say it is necessary to download a file to recover or fix/upgrade the BIOS and asks for the SN.. I used the one I have and the page showed they didn't find the model which is odd.. I mean it is printed on the computer lol.. so I'm trying to find through a third party option this information.. or the best solution to make it work.

I'd really appreciated your help, I can add images for a better reference, however I couldn't.

Salimeh Bolboli

Staff member


Hi guys, first time posting but congrats for your site, it is really cool and useful. I'm considering to upgrade the account if necessary to get downloaded the files, however I want to make sure first it will work for my situation, here is the thing:

I have a second hand shop and received a computer that was used for customer service.. based on the features I found about this pc, It is a really good device. Nevertheless after I got it, I noticed it was impossible for me to access to the BIOS to format the OS and use it as a regular computer, I've tried different things already.. moving the jumper to clear the cmos, but still stuck in the main screen of that previous company, it doesn't even show the Lenovo or thinkcentre screen, nor the option to enter into the BIOS setup utility.

I've seen in another website that Lenovo has their own disaster recovery system or something like that, I checked in Lenovo's website and found a tutorial, and they say it is necessary to download a file to recover or fix/upgrade the BIOS and asks for the SN.. I used the one I have and the page showed they didn't find the model which is odd.. I mean it is printed on the computer lol.. so I'm trying to find through a third party option this information.. or the best solution to make it work.

I'd really appreciated your help, I can add images for a better reference, however I couldn't.
Hello Good day
you need ask your questions from this link

but if you need any bios file, send device and motherboard model


New Member


Hello Good day
you need ask your questions from this link

but if you need any bios file, send device and motherboard model

Thanks for the answer but barely useful.. that group has restrictions as well where I have to be gold member, which basically is forcing me to do it even without knowing if I'm going to receive the help that I need.. kind of unfair, thanks tho.. I will continue researching..
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