File Request help not working "Lenovo ideapad 3-14ADA05 i


New Member


no funciona este archivo en mi laptop " lenovo - ideapad - 3 - 14ada05 - ideapad - 3 -15ada05- ideapad - 3 -17ada05-nm-d151-bios.50121/" por favor confirmar si a ustedes le ha funcionado, por favor es urgente, Gracias.


New Member


Dear, good afternoon, thank you for responding but I still have the bios problem, it does not raise video even though I recorded the file "V14-ADA, V15-ADA, ideapad 3-14ADA05, ideapad 3-15ADA05, ideapad 3 times in the eeprom 3-17ADA05_NM-D151 E8CN21WW.bin" is there any special procedure to record this type of BIOS for this board (MB: 5B20S44369), Why are there 2 .bin files, one with the name ITE.bin, what is its purpose?

Vahab Hemmati

Support Team
Staff member


Dear, good afternoon, thank you for responding but I still have the bios problem, it does not raise video even though I recorded the file "V14-ADA, V15-ADA, ideapad 3-14ADA05, ideapad 3-15ADA05, ideapad 3 times in the eeprom 3-17ADA05_NM-D151 E8CN21WW.bin" is there any special procedure to record this type of BIOS for this board (MB: 5B20S44369), Why are there 2 .bin files, one with the name ITE.bin, what is its purpose?
the ITE is for EC ic
you need to program that file too
maybe the problem is related to that ic


New Member


Excuse my ignorance, do you mean programming this chip "IC IT8227E-CX_LQFP128", is there any document for this type of procedure or any recommendation where to start?
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