bios admin password

  1. joserafael

    File Request desbloqueo contraseña bios lenovo L490

    desbloquear bios Lenovo L490 FL490/FL590 NM-B931 REV:1.0
  2. A

    File Request toshiba satellite l70-b-10w ar10su-6050a2631701-mb-a01

    i need og bios toshiba satellite l70-b-10w ar10su-6050a2631701-mb-a01
  3. A


    NEED HELP! if anyone know anything about AMI BIOS Unlock or bypass E241MR13.ROM by the way im waiting for universal programmer. So...How can i make a backup without programmer? CANT LOOSE THAT CONFIGS "BLOQUED BY SIEMENS" 10 OR 12 YEARS LATER(WHAT A JOKE) TYTYTTYTYT take care
  4. arturmarcal

    Unlock Bios Password Help! HP ProBooK G645 G2 and G3 with BIOS password

    Hy Friends! Hugs from Brazil! I have 08 notebooks with admin password in the BIOS, 04 Probook 645 G2 and 04 Probook 645 G3. I need to reset the BIOS to remove these passwords. I don't have the original BIOS backup file. Can you help me based on the motherboard models? Probook 645 G2...