File Request ec

Salimeh Bolboli

Staff member


For program MEC you must observe a few points
First you need to connect fwp# pin to GND By a 10k resistor
By doing this, the protection of the firmware is disconnected and you can delete the firmware
Second, make sure the MSDATA pin is connected to GND with a 10k resistor
With this, the chip goes into program mode
Third, connect the RESET (jtag) pin of the chip to GND with a 10k resistor
Finally, to program this chip, it is not necessary to connect the main power, just connect the 3.3 V voltage to the 3.3 V coil using an external power source.

PS : If the block bootloader in this IC is not erased and reprogrammed by the programmer, the device will be practically dead.
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