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Tutorial Videos How To Fix Bios ME Region Problem

Salimeh Bolboli

Staff member


Bios is programmed… now it's time to turn on the device. I pressed the power button and I'm waiting to get screen for 20 seconds. Screen is on now… but, there is something wrong with the screen!!! Is it possible to take this long for screen to load? From where I know, it needs less than 10 seconds… so, I have to reprogram Bios, but this time, with a different file…

Bios is reprogrammed, and the device is on, but exactly like before, it took 20 seconds (note: No match between Graphic chip model and your Bios version might cause screen display delay.)

There were HP 620 and 430, which worked properly (even display loading) with only one problem: shut down after 2 minutes. This problem happened every single time when turning on laptop. This kind of shut down is totally different from overheating shut down, because in this kind, laptop doesn't overheat, but still shuts down.

In another case, laptops would shut down after 1 hour or even more, but the important thing is the period stability; meaning: turning off in a specific time, i.e. 5 minutes (300 seconds) and not even 1 second more or less.
Another case is CPU fan: fan spinning in the maximum power, which produces noise.

Of course Bios is reprogrammed, or maybe the components are changed.

Another problem; laptop turns on and Brand Logo appears, but it doesn’t enter the operating system, in this time laptop restarts and loads again. After that, laptop turns on completely and everything works properly and normal.

The question is; why no load on the first boot? Why really?

For example you have an Asus laptop, you press F2 button to enter Bios settings, but after appearing Asus logo, you get black screen …After almost 15 to 40 seconds delay, you enter Bios settings and all Bios inside changes, processes slowly.

What would you think if I tell you almost all the problems above relate to Bios? Even the last one

But with this difference: even if you program Bios with different Files for 5 times, you might not get the problem solved. In this case you would tell yourself: Dr-Bios support doesn’t help!!! What kind of an article is this???

In fact the problem is not all parts of Bios files, but only the ME Region part.
What is ME Region?

Management Engine is a part of BIOS/UEFI, which is responsible for adjusting CPU clock, EIST, power saving stages etc.

Probably most users won't have ME issues on their Intel 7 series boards. It's happening sometimes while you are trying to overclock your CPU or memory. Pushing too hard especially to memory, causes ME errors

You might have used Intel Chipset series 7 or up and yet you hadn't faced problems above, because ME Region part of Bios is damaged only in times of overclocking CPU or RAM…

We prepared a video to solve this problem. Hope you enjoy. Comment if you have anything to add.


    101.6 MB · Views: 71




I watch this video about how to solve BIOS ME Region but not understand. do you have more video.
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