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Tutorial Videos How To Use SVOD Programmer KBC, SPI, I2c, MEC, ITE

This programmer is the new version of the late programmers and it's very easy to work with it. It's not manual; it means by the use of its software, you can connect I/O pins to keyboard connector.

In revision 5.1 there was added an option to firmware ITE multiple controllers. Test were done on ITE8586, ITE8580, ITE8585,other multiple controllers will operate and will be added after tests. ITE mode is working only through keyboard module.

In order to connect its necessary to select all pins listed on the right, in the menu Select the motherboard its necessary to choose added motherboard and only after this to provide power supply.

It’s necessary to activate operation mode with ITE multiple controllers, the cost of activation is 10$, for the actions there should be send a file serial.ini by e-mail and you will receive file for activation after payment.

In revision 4.1 there was added an option to firmware multiple controllers as MEC1609, MEC1619. Pin F4(Boot_Mode#) to be installed as 0 (gnd). Pin M8(nFWP) blocks recording and deleting of boot and info. The blocking is active when it’s connected to gnd, when its connected to 3.3В then the blocking is deactivated.

There was added an option to firmware spi flesh drive through ENE multiple controllers without unsoldering, as well an option to firmware RTD2120L, monitor’s processor. It’s possible to firmware spi flesh drives and the base will be updated.


  • How to Program KBC ENE9012 with SVOD Programer-EN_2 (1).zip
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